Custom Food Mascot Costumes

Ahhh, “food”, one of Loonie Times most popular kinds of custom mascot (it’s also extremely popular among the staff here). From those delightful M&Ms, that charismatic Cheesestring and cuddly peanut butter bears we have made a smorgasbord of delicious custom food mascots! Loonie Times has even helped create a beet mascot for all you health nuts out there… oh hey, come to think of it… we’ve created nut mascot costume too! But, our food mascots don’t only have to look like the stuff you find in your fridge, we also created chef mascots, grocery bags, giant coffee cup mascot costumes… I am certain we also created a can of spam! Needless to say, if you are starving for a one-of-a-kind, high-quality custom food mascot let Loonie Times feed your hunger!

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