Peppers Mexican Grill’s Custom Restaurant Mascot Mr. Pepper from Shalimar, Florida

by | May 3, 2021 | Custom Mascot Costume Florida

About Peppers Mexican Grill Custom Restaurant Mascot

A custom restaurant mascot can be a very cost-effective way to create visibility for any local restaurant.

The family-owned Mexican eatery from Shalimar, Florida is one of the best-selling local restaurants that everyone loves to visit. If you are lucky then Mr. Pepper the official custom restaurant mascot might greet you at the doorstep.

As you can relate, the mascot’s shape is identical to the popular spice which we refer to as pepper. Mr. Pepper is also embossed in the official logo and for this reason, the audience can easily relate to the brand whenever they see this custom mascot waving at them while they are driving by the restaurant.

Whenever they have a new promotion on their menu, Mr. Pepper goes out there and makes everyone aware of those. Even more, the custom mascot visits community events to support fund-raising activities.

Due to COVID-19, we have to maintain social distancing while following proper health guidelines, and with regards to that Mr. Pepper played his part too by raising awareness about the importance of sanitizing our hands.

For more custom mascot photos click HERE

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