Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation Custom Squirrel Mascot Oakly from Lake Worth, Florida

by | May 3, 2021 | Custom Mascot Costume Florida

About Palm Beach Country Park’s Custom Squirrel Mascot

What better way to represent a park than with a custom squirrel mascot. 

PBC Parks and Recreation is a government-owned organization from Lake Worth, Florida which aims to make the quality of life for Palm Beach County residents and visitors better by providing diverse, safe, and affordable recreation services, welcoming parks, and enriching social and cultural experiences.

The official custom mascot Oakly is based on the shape of a squirrel. The mascot roams around the community parks and engages with the individuals who visit those places.

Before the custom squirrel mascot was launched, the organization held a campaign for coming up with the name of the mascot.

Students from local schools participated and after many reviews, the squirrel was named Oakly.

The campaign generated a lot of responses and as a result, the organization got local recognition with ease. Even more, Oakly celebrates his birthday on 5th July everywhere and the organization launches certain online events where the locals can easily participate and send him birthday cards.

Isn’t it a unique strategy of connecting with the target audience!

For more custom mascot photos click HERE

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