Mountain Pointe High School’s Custom Lion Mascot Pride from Phoenix, Arizona

by | May 3, 2021 | Custom Cat Mascot Costume, Custom Mascot Costume Arizona

About Mountain Point High School’s Custom Lion Mascot Costume

High school mascots like this custom lion mascot costume are very popular when it comes to building school spirit. Cats are a favorite choice for school mascots.

Mountain Pointe High School started its journey back in 1991 with the campus located in Phoenix, Arizona. They are always dedicated to providing students with a supportive learning environment that enables the students to reach their fullest potential.

Mountain Pointe High School’s official mascot is the Pride. By appearance, it falls under the animal-type mascot theme as Pride looks like a lion.

He is seen wearing the Even the lion is visible on the school’s official logo. This enables the school to portray a coherent brand message across all platforms.

The custom lion mascot is a crucial part of the sports activities which take place all around the year. Pride performs on the competitive matches basketball and rugby along with other events such as graduation ceremonies and fundraising.

His performance before those matches not only boosts the morale of the team but also assists the school in developing a meaningful connection with every student. Pride is a proud member of the school’s family and it is needless to say that everybody loves him.

For more mascot images click HERE

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