A Leading Mascot Maker |
Est. 1996 | 855-325-0921

Glenbard East’s Custom Ram Mascot from Illinois

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About Glenbard East High School Custom Ram Mascot

A custom ram mascot costume adds a dominant feel to any school or sports team. However, when it’s created in red material it even more appealing.

Glenbard East is a high school that operates under Glenbard Township High School District 87. Though the schools under the district have their individual voices, they work collectively towards developing a platform that aims for developing leaders of tomorrow.

With school colors of red and black, the official custom ram mascot is regarded as the Ram. The nickname RAMS is derived from an acronym for “Right Attitude Means Success.”

The red and black-colored Ram has the school’s logo engraved on the chest. Even the mascot has its community with 1500+ followers on Twitter.

Guess what, Ram has his own featured fight song as well. Whenever the school team plays on any competitive basketball matches, Ram the mascot comes in and cheers for the team.

For more custom mascot photos click HERE

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custom mascot costume maker company

With over 26 years of experience in creating custom mascot costumes, Loonie Times is one of the most in-demand mascot companies in North America. We specialize in various types of professional mascot services ranging from school mascots, sports team mascots, business, corporate brand mascots, and small business and company custom mascot design and creation. A leading mascot maker since 1996.